Good afternoon fellow SPSW members. Do you shop on Amazon? If you were able to attend last week's meeting you heard about and voted to approve the SPSW signing up for Amazon Smile. This is a program where Amazon donates a small percentage of your purchase to a non-profit of your choice. As a registered 501-c-3 non-profit the SPSW qualifies and we are now signed up. You can select the SPSW as your charity of choice by going to Amazon Smile or clicking on the QR code below on your cell phone.
This program does not cost you any more and there is no charge to the SPSW to be a part. Just remember to go to when you shop at amazon and SPSW will receive a donation. When you log in through that URL you should see the Amazon Smile logo on the upper right.
This mailing list is announce-only.
This is the distribution list for members of the South Puget Sound Woodturners. This list is only for members in good standing of the SPSW. The purpose is to provide communications to our members, primarily with the montly newsletter or other club wide communication determined by the Board of Directors.
We take your privacy seriously. By agreeing to be added to the SPSW Members communication email list you are allowing the South Puget Sound Woodturners to use your name and email address in order to communicate with you. We will not rent, sell or disclose your information without your prior approval.