Available Mailing Lists



This is the distribution list for members of the South Puget Sound Woodturners. This list is only for members in good standing of the SPSW. The purpose is to provide communications to our members, primarily with the montly newsletter or other club wide communication determined by the Board of Directors.

, Here is the March Chips & Shavings

March 10th 2025

Good afternoon fellow SPSW members. Attached is this month's newsletter. This month is a mini-symposium and you can find the line-up inside.I hope to see you on the 20th. ...Continue Reading



This is the general mailing list for the South Puget Sound Woodturners which includes the monthly newsletter.

, Here is the February Chips & Shavings

February 12th 2025

Attached is the latest newsletter from the South Puget Sound Woodturners. Thanks for being a subscriber. ...Continue Reading
